Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland

As snowpocalypse 2010 is hitting the midwest and much of our family and friends are digging out of the rediculousness that is this snowstorm, we thought we would share just a bit of what December looks like in Dominica.  It has been filled with plenty of frustration on our part as well (due to a very excited new puppy, bacterial arm rash, car troubles, and just the day-to-day life of Dominica), but all-in-all we know we have it pretty good and are enjoying our life on a tropical island.  Please know that we would LOVE visitors and are welcome at fairly short if you happen to make it through the storm of the century and NEED something else to see for awhile, come on down :) We do look forward to seeing all this snow in about a week, however, and can't wait to build snowforts with many of you!  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Merry Christmas

Cuddle Buddies :)

Our new trusty steed:  Team Turzo!

When it gets 'cold' in Dominica, a Wisco snuggie is a helpful addition!

family christmas card:  someone is always misbehaving ;)