Saturday, February 12, 2011


I've been telling myself (and pretty much anyone else who would listen) over the past few weeks that 'my next purchase is going to be a boat'.  I live on a tropical island and I drive past the bay every day where lots of yahters and sailers park their boats while visiting this beautiful place and each time I get that twinge in my stomach that I'm missing something by NOT being on the water around here.  So...I want a boat.  But, as I'm discovering, not just any boat.  The other day I looked through my photos on my camera pre-download and discovered that I have pictures of about 7 different 'pirate ships'.  I have apparently become OBSESSED with pirate ships.  I just think that they are ABSOLUTELY beautiful and fun and look like where I'd like to hang out.  So...rather than dream in a more realistic sense about what boat I'm going to get (because in reality it MAY happen, but it'll probably be some little sea-ray looking thing), I'm dreaming of the pirate ship that will be the NEXT love of my life :).  Do you think I could train my dogs to live on a boat?