Teaching medical students on a Caribbean island has its perks. No, I'm not talking about living in the Caribbean, the beautiful sun and sand and hiking trails through the jungle or any other benefits you all see about this adventure that I'm trying to remember to experience. I'm talking about the perk that Ross gives to head to one medical/scientific conference each year to increase our professional lives. I pretty much live for education. I have ALWAYS wanted to learn and am always yearning for my next 'classroom' experience. Therefore, the opportunity to learn more and more (in addition to all that I learn actually IN the classroom) is one that I see as quite the perk. This last week, the International Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) held a conference on medical education in Vienna. I had the opportunity to not only go to this conference and hear about what types of innovations other medical educators are coming up with, but I also had the opportunity to spend 3 weeks traveling in Europe. Mike and I started by taking the ferry to the neighboring island of Martinique, before flying to Paris. That's where the European adventure began: Paris, Zurich, Munich, Bavaria road trip, Vienna, and a train ride through the Austrian, Bavarian, and Swiss alps proved to be breathtaking, amazing, phenomenal, and exhausting. We had a blast, but are reminded that 3 weeks away from home may just be a bit too long. Happy to be back on the island and surrounded by furry love, I am gearing up to begin the fall semester both as a professor and as a student (I begin a Master's in Higher Education degree online this fall as well). I am sure it will prove to be quite a busy semester. Until I update you on those adventures, here are a few pictures of our latest and greatest!